When I Get Old
What will I be like when I get old?
I'll wear flowery prints and carry a cane
I'll curl my hair
Wear plastic caps in the rain
My skin will sag at my jowls and other bits
Wrinkles will line my once pretty face
I'll forget where I am
Lost track of time and space
I'll sprout little white whiskers
From my nose to my chin
I'll call people Deary
Forget to put my teeth in
I'll tell the same story to anyone who will listen
Say things like "back in my day"
And "when I was a girl"
And "what did you say?"
My legs will quit working
I'll probably have gout
I'll have three sets of glasses
And ask you to shout
I'll plan big nights out for a Monday at three
Down at the bingo hall
I'll wear my best velour
Bingo! You'll hear me call
But I'll still be the coolest little old bitty
With these tattooed sleeves
I was a young'un once
If you can believe
By: T.J. Ruberto 2021
This one is a work in progress, but something I wanted to share all the same.
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