Losing You
My heart will shatter into a million zillion pieces
It will crash to the earth
Scatter tiny little fragments on the ground
It will feel like falling
A never-ending descent into
An infinite ebony abyss
I will wear black and cover my face
To hide tear-stained cheeks
And bloodshot eyes
Something akin to dying
Without the relief of an ending
Losing you will be my undoing
Pieces of me will be lost
My soul irreparably broken
Consciousness locked in one moment of time
I will wear black and cover my face
To hide tear-stained cheeks
And bloodshot eyes
Every fibre of my being will scream
Rebel against the truth
Struggle to cope with reality
I will long for your touch
Skin to skin once more
Hand on my heart
I will wear black and cover my face
To hide tear-stained cheeks
And bloodshot eyes
I will lie in bed alone
Crisp cotton sheets an ocean of
Empty space where you once were
Your pillow will smell of Irish Spring and sandalwood
A small indent where you laid your head
I will wear black and cover my face
To hide tear-stained cheeks
And bloodshot eyes
Mornings will be quiet, lonely
Each cup of coffee will remind me of your a.m. rituals
Evenings will be quieter still
The kitchen void of the clatter of dishes
But night time will be worse
Night time will be… too damn quiet
I will wear black and cover my face
To hide tear-stained cheeks
And bloodshot eyes
By: T.J. Ruberto 2021
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