
I’m not sure what I remember anymore

What is a memory?

What is a memory of a memory?


I do remember the day you picked me up

The day you told me 

The mountain in front of us was called 

Grasshopper Hill, because

Grasshoppers have to pack a lunch to get up it


I remember your white shirt

Sweat stained 

Fat flopping over your grease marked jeans

I remember sitting beside you 

Gear shift between my knees


I wanted to play barbies with

Your daughter

The one I went to school with 

But she wanted to play house

Said we had to take our clothes


Get into bed

Because that’s what mommies and daddies do


I remember being nervous, feeling

Something wasn’t right 

Barbies on the floor 



As most barbies end up 

Sooner or later


But then

I remember remembering

There you were

Watching us

Telling me it was ok

That you and she played house together

All the time



I don’t remember 

What happened next 

My memory goes from vivid technicolour 

To a blizzard of static 

I don’t remember and 

I don’t remember remembering 

Anything at all


By: T.J. Ruberto 2021


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